Guidelight Psychology

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4 Easy Tips to Help You Shift Your Focus

It can be easy to lose sight of what you’re really looking at and how big something actually is, here’s a few handy tips to get you looking at things properly again…

We all have those days, weeks, months where things seem to be snowballing and you have no idea how to stop them, or somehow, you’re stuck in a never-ending Groundhog Day going through the same motions over and over again. Here are a couple of super easy tips to shake things up and help you shift your focus…

1.     Walk Away. Just get up and walk away from it (not necessarily forever), whatever it is can wait 5 more minutes (unless you’re an ER doctor then maybe not), go grab a coffee or give yourself 15 minutes to browse the web. Sometimes just taking a step back – literally – can help you look at something from a different angle or gain a new perspective.

2.     Get Outdoors. If walking away did work, getting outdoors should! Humans need sunlight, fresh air and psychical fitness to function. Being outdoors gives you a chance to completely switch the tech off and allow yourself to be in the ‘zone’.

3.     Write it out. If your plate keeps piling up and you’re not sure how to handle or prioritise it – grab your pen and paper and write yourself a list. Put everything you need to do on there and then write down the ‘worst case scenario’ of what would happen if it wasn’t done in X time period. This will help you work out what actually needs to be done first and what can wait.

4.     Surround yourself with new people who have a fresh perspective or ask a colleague or a friend to chat it out with you – they’ll appreciate the trust you’ve placed in them and offer an alternate perspective.

If you’d like a hand shaking things up and interpreting challenges from a new point of view, we’d love you to join us at our upcoming Wellness in the Wilderness event (Bonus: you’ll knock both 2 and 4 off the list at once!).