Guidelight Psychology

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Beyond Limits - The Inspiration that Sets Your Spirit Free

This is the fifth and final blog in the series about my journey to find increased health and happiness over the past 11 months.

If you’ve missed the other blogs, here are the links:

Creating Healthier Workplaces Program Launch

When I started my journey I thought I was going to lose some weight and get a little fitter.

However, in the process I have discovered so much more including a desire to share my insights to help others.

Merging my own corporate experience with health and wellbeing insights gained through working with a personal trainer this year, has led me to develop the Creating Healthier Workplaces program.

This is a program to assist business owners and managers to get so much more out of their own lives, as well as making their:

  • work environments healthier;
  • more appealing to employees;
  • and more conducive to higher thinking and productivity.

So much has changed in my life - much more than I could have foreseen or dared to hope for. So, as is fitting with my new philosophies, I am just going to get straight into it…

Beyond Limits - The Inspiration that Sets Your Spirit Free

Just like me, each and every person has the ability to make better choices and take steps to realise the potential that lies within.

An inspiring sense of freedom and lightness of living becomes available at this level. The banality of social facades and the tiresome games based on other people’s narrow rules and fearful expectations, drop away.

Physically: In a physical and energetic sense I now have a continuous connection to endurance, power, flexibility and speed within my fit, healthy body.

Emotionally: At the emotional level I consistently feel more joy, gratitude, respect, appreciation, reverence and delight - whatever the ebb and flow of life’s events and circumstance.

Intellectually: At the intellectual level I have a higher level of confidence - this confidence is driven by a non wavering sense of personal power that is strong, resolute, certain, assured, breathtakingly expansive and inclusive of others.

The source of my new levels of energy is inextinguishable - the equivalent of fuelling a fireplace with the inner slow burn logs of deep energy and a sustaining flame.

This is very distinct from my past spluttering, flickering surface actions, and my previously erratic energy bursts of short, frantic activity.

Eleven Months Later ...

Now that I am eleven months into my health and wellness journey, the exercise and nutrition rituals I have learnt from my inspirational personal trainer, have become a habit. This creates the confidence for me to move beyond limits - toward expanding success and wellbeing that previously would have seemed impossible.

Indeed the only way to discover the limits of the possible is to choose to go beyond them into the allegedly impossible!

Because I am so much healthier, it is easier for me to integrate a disciplined pattern of physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual practices into my life.  I no longer struggle to remember to do them.

I actively seek out uplifting situations and environments, particularly in outdoor and wilderness environments, because moving about in natural settings is so much physically easier and rejuvenating for me now.

My renewed energy means I have the focus and clarity to more easily discern the right people and choices that resonate with my core intentions and life purpose. It is simply more and more straightforward to draw forth the best of myself.

Handling Setbacks

Like all of us, setbacks will still cross my path from time to time. I am now much more likely to smile with acceptance and grace in such times of adversity. There’s a knowing that "this too will pass" soon enough, as I continue to grow and learn that I am more physically and mentally tough, endurable, powerful and unbreakable than I had previously realised.

As I enjoy this sense of an upwards spiral through having a much healthier lifestyle, I experience increasing time of joy.

It is increasingly difficult to remember or recognise the version of myself in blog one from January this year:  misguided, stubborn and limited. Back then I did not know what I did not know. I was foolishly covering up all of this with false arrogance and bravado!

My health and wellness journey has fully evolved to become a true partnership with my extraordinary personal trainer - because as a psychologist, I recognise that it is important to admit it times we can't do it all on our own, and there are resources available if we choose to draw on them.

In addition to teaching me a healthier way of life, my personal trainer reminded me to reconnect to my true self; and to remember that the door to each person’s dreams is always open. 

I trust my reflections in this blog have been good food for thought and wherever your dreams may lie at this point in your life; may I respectfully encourage you and ask.....

What are


waiting for?