Do you feel like you are underperforming in your Personal & Professional Life?
Across a 12 month calendar cycle we committed to the rigorous task of coding the number one reason a client stated as to why they had booked an initial consultation with our practice to seek assistance with some aspect of their work or home life ( or both ). The size of our sample base of clients was over 1,000 people drawn from all walks of life around the Gold Coast and Brisbane regions
27% of people identified that the number one reason they were not currently performing or feeling at their best was because of difficulties associated with Interpersonal Issues. This meant that they were having some level of communication breakdown, conflict, disharmony or mistrust with at least some of the people they worked with. The workplace issue could have been with colleagues, or customers or suppliers or all of them, but the common point is that problems with some aspect of work related relationships had negatively impacted the mental health and well being of our individual client.
A further 26% of clients that we assisted with an initial consultation over that 12 month period told us that their number one reason for them seeking an appointment was to deal with difficulties created by relationship issues with people in their home life, such as spouses, children, relatives and neighbours.
Combine these two categories and it is revealing to understand that more than half ( 53% ) the people who had the good sense to seek professional assistance to find solutions and regain peace of mind when they experienced a problem affecting their mental health, booked an appointment because of unresolved issues with other people.
Many of these issues were quickly fixed through skilling our clients to develop crisp, clear communication strategies and learning advanced positive psychology techniques to change the previously negative impact of the situation on themselves.
People wisely consult their lawyer for contracts advice and their accountants about tax advice, so it is appropriate more of us start to consult our psychologist about relationship and communication advice.
Call 07 5527 0123 to make an appointment for a confidential consultation.